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3 very original art samples

Jan 25, 2022 | Lifestyle

That the We love it, it's no secret, and if it also offers a different perspective, even more so. In De Salas, open to artistic manifestations that may be of interest to our clients and friends, we have heard about three very original exhibitions and it seemed to us that they were well worth knowing.

Let's start our visit to , from closest to furthest. And this is how we are pleased to announce that Madrid is about to become the first European city to have a virtual reality museum. Or what is the same, MAD, Madrid Digital Arts, Center for Immersive Experiences, in the emblematic Nave 16 of Matadero.

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MAD, Madrid Digital Arts, Center for Immersive Experiences
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MAD, Madrid Digital Arts, Center for Immersive Experiences

The museum is called to be a revolutionary digital cultural development center, unique in Spain and Europe, where the latest technology is at the service of the most innovative cultural and artistic experiences. The center has almost 2000 square meters dedicated to showing different content and experiences, with technology adapted for each of the different exhibitions and events.

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MAD, Madrid Digital Arts, Center for Immersive Experiences

The museum's first project will be a large-format production based on the work of Gustav Klimt, an experience “that will allow viewers of all ages to immerse themselves in the vibrant Vienna of the turn of the century and experience first-hand the evolution of and the work of the great Austrian artist and his world.” And we are talking about projections with more than 900 square meters of space for it, 3D experience with virtual reality glasses, exhibition spaces and interactive tools.

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MAD, Madrid Digital Arts, Center for Immersive Experiences

The second original sample of takes us to Valencia, specifically to the City of Arts and Sciencess. There, and under the simple title HERE WE ARE / (HERE WE ARE) we find the wonderful imaginary world of the Swiss-Japanese artist Leiko Ikemura, an exceptional exhibition of large-format sculptures that invites the viewer “to embark on a magical journey composing a lyrical stanza within the framework of the magnificent urban architecture of the City of Arts and Sciences of Valencia,” in the words of the organization.

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HERE WE ARE / (HERE WE ARE), by Leiko Ikemura
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HERE WE ARE / (HERE WE ARE), by Leiko Ikemura

Six giant public sculptures float on a puddle of blue water in the urban architectural landscape created at the time by Calatrava, in front of the Hemisfèric. Immanent and transcendent, the fantastical figures radiate a sense of resilience. “Its collective manifestation in the form of bronze sculptures consolidates the artist's ability to provide meaning and durability and go beyond the essence to travel through time.”

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HERE WE ARE / (HERE WE ARE), by Leiko Ikemura
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HERE WE ARE / (HERE WE ARE), by Leiko Ikemura

And the last of the exhibitions tells us about submarine. Is about ReefLine, an underwater public sculpture park, for snorkeling, with an artificial reef located off the coast of Miami Beach. The project has been conceived by the creator of cultural places Ximena Caminos, together with the architecture studio of award-winning Rem Koolhaas, OMA.

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“ReefLine will provide critical habitat for endangered reef organisms, promoting biodiversity and improving coastal resilience", they assure from OMA, which has been tasked with designing a geometric modular concrete unit that can be deployed and stacked from South Beach northward, following the topography of the seabed. “The living breakwater is the connective tissue for the overall masterplan and will be marked by a series of specific installations.”

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There is no doubt that the It is a wonderful form of expression and the different ways it manifests never ceases to amaze us. We hope that customers and friends of De Salas, you found them as interesting as we did.

Gala Mora
DESALAS Lifestyle